How can I copy a particular image to a default position? The image, in question, is located in the folder at the deepest level. The folder in question is contained in other nested subfolders (e.g. packages, themes, variants, etc...), in a tree structure. This little program should ask which directory it should go to and continue until it gets to that directory that actually contains the image needed and then copy it.
Here is the directory structure:
┗ PluginFolder
┗ LauncherFolder
┣ Cosmetics
┃ ┣ Default Pack
┃ ┃ ┗ Default Theme
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Character
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Chara.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher.png
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┗ Pack 1
┃ ┃ ┣ Default Theme
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Character
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Chara_A.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Chara_A1.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher_1.png
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┣ NW Theme
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Default
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Character
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Chara_B.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Launcher_2.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher_2b.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Alternative 1
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Character
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Chara_C.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Chara_C3.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Launcher_3.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher_3c.png
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┗ SW Theme
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Character
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Chara_E.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Chara_F.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Launcher_4.png
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ Launcher_5.png
┃ ┃ ┃
┣ Chara.png
┗ Launcher.png
This script is located in the MainFolder
. The Cosmetics
folder contains the Packs (for this example I put 2 but they can increase). The "png-searching" should start from here. Inside each Pack
folder are Themes
, and inside each one can be an Alternative
Version. And finally we have the Character
folder and the Launcher
folder. The objective, as I said before, is to choose an image from those available in the Cosmetics
directory and override the image (either Chara or Launcher) in the LauncherFolder
with that. But to do that I have to direct the script to that specific png first. Then, after copying it, delete the old one and rename the new one.
Someone can help?
There needs to be created first the folders and files for developing and testing the batch file for this menu driven file copying task according to the user´s decisions. The following batch file creates the directory structure and the PNG files which of course are not really portable network graphic image files, but text files with file extension .png
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "BaseFolder=C:\Temp"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Character"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Launcher"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Character"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Launcher"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Character"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Launcher"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Character"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Launcher"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Character"
md "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Launcher"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Character\Chara.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Character\Chara.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Launcher\Launcher.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Default Pack\Default Theme\Launcher\Launcher.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Character\Chara_A.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Character\Chara_A.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Character\Chara_A1.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Character\Chara_A1.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Launcher\Launcher_1.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\Default Theme\Launcher\Launcher_1.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Character\Chara_B.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Character\Chara_B.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Launcher\Launcher_2.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Launcher\Launcher_2.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Launcher\Launcher_2b.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Default\Launcher\Launcher_2b.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Character\Chara_C.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Character\Chara_C.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Character\Chara_C3.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Character\Chara_C3.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Launcher\Launcher_3.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Launcher\Launcher_3.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Launcher\Launcher_3c.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\NW Theme\Alternative 1\Launcher\Launcher_3c.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Character\Chara_E.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Character\Chara_E.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Character\Chara_F.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Character\Chara_F.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Launcher\Launcher_4.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Launcher\Launcher_4.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Launcher\Launcher_5.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics\Pack 1\SW Theme\Launcher\Launcher_5.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Chara.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Chara.png"
echo "%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Launcher.png">"%BaseFolder%\MainFolder\PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Launcher.png"
The batch file for copying the PNG files is much more complex, especially when it should work with really all possible file and folder names with a space or one of these characters %&()[]{}^=;!'+,`~
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "TargetFolder=%~dp0PluginFolder\LauncherFolder"
set "Workingfolder=%~dp0PluginFolder\LauncherFolder\Cosmetics"
if exist "%WorkingFolder%\" goto CheckChoice
echo ERROR: Folder "%WorkingFolder%" does not exist!
exit /B 2
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe goto InitEnvironment
echo ERROR: The file "%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe" does not exist!
echo This batch script cannot be used without executable choice.
exit /B 3
rem Delete all environment variables of which name starts with character #.
for /F "delims==" %%I in ('set # 2^>nul') do set "%%=I"
rem Initial number of PNG files in the Character or Launcher folder.
set "FileCount=0"
rem Initial number of subfolders in a pack or themes folder.
set "FolderCount=0"
rem A list of keys assigned to the files/folders whereby the first character
rem is just a dummy to have first choice key character at character index 1.
rem The value below must be the number of keys listed above minus one.
rem This value determines also the maximum number of files/folders
rem from which the user can choose a file/folder.
set "MaxKeys=36"
rem Let the user choose a pack and next a theme folder.
call :GetFolder pack || exit /B
call :GetFolder theme || exit /B
rem Let the user choose between default or an alternative if the
rem theme folder does not contain already the "Character" folder.
if not exist "%WorkingFolder%\Character\" call :GetFolder alternative || exit B
if exist "%WorkingFolder%\Character\" goto CharacterFiles
echo ERROR: There is no folder "Character" in the folder:
echo "%WorkingFolder%"
exit /B 2
if exist "%WorkingFolder%\Character\*.png" goto LauncherFolder
echo ERROR: There is no PNG file in the character folder:
echo "%WorkingFolder%\Character"
exit /B 1
if exist "%WorkingFolder%\Launcher\" goto LauncherFiles
echo ERROR: There is no folder "Launcher" in the folder:
echo "%WorkingFolder%"
exit /B 2
if exist "%WorkingFolder%\Launcher\*.png" goto CopyFiles
echo ERROR: There is no PNG file in the launcher folder:
echo "%WorkingFolder%\Launcher"
exit /B 1
call :CopyFile character Chara
call :CopyFile launcher Launcher
rem Exit the batch file after copying the two PNG files.
exit /B 0
rem Set up a new local environment for the subroutine GetFolder.
rem Change the current working directory to the working folder.
pushd "%WorkingFolder%"
rem Search for non-hidden folders in the current working directory
rem and create a list of folder names with counting the folders.
rem Folders with an exclamation mark in name are supported too.
for /D %%I in (*) do (
set /A FolderCount+=1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%J in (!FolderCount!) do (
set "#Folder%%J=%%I"
if %%J == %MaxKeys% popd & goto FolderMenu
rem Is there only one folder in the current working folder?
if %FolderCount% == 1 goto SelectFolder
if %FolderCount% == 0 goto NoFolder
echo Available %1 folders:
rem Set up an environment with enabled delayed variable expansion for the menu.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%I in (1,1,%FolderCount%) do echo !KeysList:~%%I,1! ... !#Folder%%I!
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C !KeysList:~1,%FolderCount%! /N /M "Your choice:"
if not errorlevel 1 goto FolderMenu
set "WorkingFolder=!WorkingFolder!\!#Folder%ERRORLEVEL%!"
rem End the environment with enabled delayed variable expansion for the
rem menu and next the local environment of the subroutine with passing
rem twice the extended working folder path to the previous environment.
endlocal & set "WorkingFolder=%WorkingFolder%"
endlocal & set "WorkingFolder=%WorkingFolder%"
exit /B 0
rem Select the single available folder automatically without user prompt.
endlocal & set "WorkingFolder=%WorkingFolder%\%#Folder1%"
exit /B 0
echo ERROR: There is no %1 folder in the folder:
echo "%WorkingFolder%"
exit /B 2
rem Set up a new local environment for the subroutine CopyFile.
rem Change the current working directory to the working folder as defined
rem by the environment variable WorkingFolder and the folder name passed
rem as first argument to the subroutine CopyFile.
pushd "%WorkingFolder%\%1"
rem Search for non-hidden PNG files in the current working directory
rem and create a list of file names with counting the files.
rem Files with an exclamation mark in name are supported too.
for %%I in (*.png) do (
set /A FileCount+=1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%J in (!FileCount!) do (
set "#File%%J=%%I"
if %%J == %MaxKeys% goto FileMenu
rem Is there more than one file in the current working folder?
if not %FileCount% == 1 goto FileMenu
rem Copy the single available PNG file to the target directory with file name
rem as defined by the second argument string passed the subroutine GetFile.
copy /B /Y "%#File1%" "%TargetFolder%\%2.png" >nul
rem Restore the initial environment as on call of this subroutine.
goto :EOF
echo Available %1 files:
rem Set up an environment with enabled delayed variable expansion for the menu.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%I in (1,1,%FileCount%) do echo !KeysList:~%%I,1! ... !#File%%I!
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C !KeysList:~1,%FileCount%! /N /M "Your choice:"
if not errorlevel 1 goto FileMenu
copy /B /Y "!#File%ERRORLEVEL%!" "!TargetFolder!\%2.png" >nul
rem Restore the initial environment as on call of this subroutine.
goto :EOF
Please read the comment lines beginning with command rem
to get a brief description on how this batch file works.
The batch file processing can be exited with four different exit codes:
... no error.1
... no PNG file in user selected Character
or Launcher
... a folder is missing in the directory structure selected by the user.3
... the Windows command CHOICE is not available as it is the case by default on Windows XP.The batch file processing is always paused on an error before exiting because of the batch file is mainly used by a user with double clicking on the batch file and not called by another batch file or run from within an already opened command prompt window.
To understand the commands used and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read the displayed help pages for each command, entirely and carefully.
echo /?
endlocal /?
setlocal /?
set /?
if /?
goto /?
pause /?
exit /?
call /?
rem /?
copy /?
choice /?
pushd /?
popd /?
There should be read additionally the following pages for a full understanding of the command lines in the batch file.
goto :EOF
or exit /B
used to either exit a subroutine or exit the processing of the batch file without or with an explicit specified exit code value for the calling function or process.set /?
in a command prompt window. The batch file could be less complex on enabling delayed variable expansion only once at top of the batch file, but then it would not work correct if any folder or file name contains one or more exclamation marks.echo(
to output an empty line can be read there.set /P
is explained in full details by the answer on this question.