I have list of map List<Map<String,String>>
and want to convert into Map<String, List String>>
Below is the sample code
List<Map<String,String>> recordListMap = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String,String> recordMap_1 = new HashMap<>();
recordMap_1.put("inputA", "ValueA_1");
recordMap_1.put("inputB", "ValueB_1");
Map<String,String> recordMap_2 = new HashMap<>();
recordMap_2.put("inputA", "ValueA_2");
recordMap_2.put("inputB", "ValueB_2");
I tried the below approach and with this I am not getting the required result:
Map<String, List<String>> myMaps = new HashMap<>();
for (Map<String, String> recordMap : recordListMap) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> map : recordMap.entrySet()) {
myMaps.put(map.getKey(), List.of(map.getValue()));
OutPut: {inputB=[ValueB_2], inputA=[ValueA_2]}
Expected Result:
{inputB=[ValueB_1, ValueB_2], inputA=[ValueA_1, ValueA_2]}
See the Map#compute section
Assuming you don't want to use Multimap, something like that should do the trick.
List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, List<String>> goal = new HashMap<>();
for (Map<String, String> map : list) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
goal.compute(entry.getKey(), (k,v)->{
List<String> l = v == null ? new ArrayList<>() : v;
return l;