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How to hide today button from in SfCalendar?

I wanna hide (or change the position) today button in SfCalendar in Flutter, but I couldn't find any way to hide the button, here is my code:

 Widget buildDayViewCalendar(
    bool writePermission,
    Club? currentClub,
    DateTime selectedDate,
  ) {
    int courtLength = currentClub == null ? 0 : currentClub.courts.length;

return MouseRegionWidget(
  controller: _controller,
  child: SfCalendar(
    headerDateFormat: 'MMM d, yyyy',
    headerHeight: 230,
    viewHeaderHeight: 0,
    initialSelectedDate: selectedDate,
    initialDisplayDate: selectedDate,
    controller: _controller,
    timeSlotViewSettings: TimeSlotViewSettings(
      timeInterval: const Duration(minutes: 30),
      timeFormat: 'h:mm',
      numberOfDaysInView: min(5, courtLength),
    dataSource: _getReservationByClubId(),
    showDatePickerButton: true,
    showNavigationArrow: false,
    allowViewNavigation: true,
    allowDragAndDrop: true,
    onTap: writePermission ? _onTap : null,
    specialRegions: DateUtil().getTimeRegions(currentClub),


  • There is no option for this issue, if you use this code showDatePickerButton: false,, you will not be able to open date picker.