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How to get gmtime datestring as a variable?

I have code snippet which I modified, from here:

How can I get this week's dates in Perl?

I am trying to generate dates, preferably starting today, up to any number of days. My code works from tomorrow up to 10 days. I do generate an array @dates containing strings like Sat 08 Apr 2023.

I am not able to extract a datestring like $dates[0].


use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw{strftime};

my @dates;
my $dates;

my $time = time ();
my $seconds = 24*60*60;
my @time = gmtime ();

for (1..10){
 $time += $seconds;
 my @dates = gmtime ($time);
 print strftime ("%a %d %b %Y\n", @dates);


  • Original answer (don't do this)

    The following code is the minimum change to do what you want, but as @brian d foy already pointed out, will not work in all circumstances:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use POSIX qw{strftime};
    my @dates;
    my $time = time ();
    my $seconds = 24*60*60;
    for (1..10){
     push @dates, strftime ("%a %d %b %Y\n", gmtime ($time));
     $time += $seconds;
    print @dates;


    Sun 09 Apr 2023
    Mon 10 Apr 2023
    Tue 11 Apr 2023
    Wed 12 Apr 2023
    Thu 13 Apr 2023
    Fri 14 Apr 2023
    Sat 15 Apr 2023
    Sun 16 Apr 2023
    Mon 17 Apr 2023
    Tue 18 Apr 2023

    Improved answer

    The code below, apart from being shorter, should also work in the corner cases that @brian d foy was talking about.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Date::Calc qw( Today Add_Delta_Days Date_to_Text );
    my @dates;
    my @date = Today();
    for (0..9){
        push @dates, Date_to_Text( Add_Delta_Days(@date,$_) )."\n";
    print @dates;