I want to export the CSV with the matching header. Please check my data below and see the output what i actually want. I tried but could not find proper solution. Can anyone please help!!!
Header Data,
$headers = array('name', 'sku', 'short_description', 'brand', 'website', 'price', 'url_key', 'weight', 'length');
Array Data :
$data = array(
array('name'=>'Name 1', 'brand'=>'Brand 1', 'url_key'=>'URL key 1', 'length'=>'length 1'),
array('name'=>'Name 2', 'short_description'=>'Shord Description 2', 'sku'=>'SKU 2', 'price'=>'Price2'),
array('name'=>'Name 3', 'sku'=>'SKU 3', 'website'=>'Website 3', 'price'=>'Price 3', 'url_key'=>'URL KEY 3', 'length'=>'Lenght 3'),
array('sku'=>'SKU 4', 'short_description'=>'Short Des 4', 'website'=>'Website 4', 'price'=>'Price4', 'url_key'=>'URL KEY 4')
Here's a possible implementation:
// $csvData will be the array that contains the data for our final CSV
$csvData = [ $headers ]; // adding the headers on the first row
foreach ($data as $row) {
$csvRow = [];
foreach ($headers as $header) {
// checking if the row in the $data array has the value corresponding to the header, if it does not it adds an empty string
$csvRow[$header] = isset($row[$header]) ? $row[$header] : '';
$csvData[] = $csvRow;
// creating the CSV
$outputFile = fopen('output.csv', 'w');
foreach ($csvData as $csvDataRow) {
fputcsv($outputFile, $csvDataRow);