:) Hello!
I'm currently facing a problem that I am not being able to solve by searching the documentation or other questions, if someone can help I would be very grateful.
The problem is relatively of simple: I am adding custom messages for validation errors that come up when posting a new object, but I'd like to do it in one place only: inside model OR inside serializer.
For the sake of this example and my use case, I am talking only about unique
and max_length
Defining error_messages=errors_dict
inside the model fields currently only changes the unique
validation error message, displaying the default for max_length
The opposite happens when I set it inside the serializer, using extra_kwargs inside Meta. It only changes the max_length
validation error message.
Does anyone know what I am missing here? Is it possible to set the error_messages
in only one place?
Thank you!
Here are some code snippets, if it helps:
in the below examples is the same dictionary, containing both keys (unique
and max_length
class User(AbstractUser, SplintModel):
cpf = models.CharField('CPF', blank=False, max_length=11, unique=True, error_messages=errors)
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = User
extra_kwargs = {
"cpf": {"error_messages": errors}
try this in your serializers.py:
from rest_framework.validators import UniqueValidator
extra_kwargs = {
'cpf': {
'error_messages' : {"max_length": "your error"},
'validators': [
message="write your error message here"