I have two model: main model and linked model, be default when page's loaded, forge view will load a both that increase time load page, question is how to only load main model, i'm implemenning with reactjs. 1. Appreciate any comments.
I try using loadDocumentNode method but dont know how to get main model
Can you check if you have multiple 'views' inside the drawing?
The 3D Model containing Main and Linked, is a single 'URN'. Inside the URN, there can be many Revit 'Views'. You can create Views of the Main, the Linked, a combination of the two, sectioned, individual floors, etc.
Then, inside Forge Viewer (now Viewer SDK), you can pick one of these views. Pick a view that has a small amount of stuff in it, and it will load quickly.
Here's the code for choosing a 'Revit View'...
var viewables = viewerDocument.getRoot().search({'type':'geometry'});
viewer.loadDocumentNode(viewerDocument, viewables[0]);
or from the 'Simple Viewer' Tutorial, here: https://tutorials.autodesk.io/tutorials/simple-viewer/viewer#viewer-logic
function onDocumentLoadSuccess(doc) {
resolve(viewer.loadDocumentNode(doc, doc.getRoot().getDefaultGeometry()));
on the Revit side, you can create views here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNivtnCIIbs
and this blog post: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040960740/en
Does that help ?