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Nuxt 3 wrong (old) route in setup script

I would like to use the route and its parameters in the setup script of a component in Nuxt 3. I run into a problem when navigating by nuxt-link where the route in the setup script of the component being routed to, is the one from the component triggering the routing.

Given the following reproduction, I would expect the full path in the test component to be /test and not /, whether the component is routed to from the browser or from a nuxt-link. In this example however, the route is only correct when routed to from the browser or via page reload.


npx nuxi init test

cd test

npm i




    <nuxt-link to="/test">to test</nuxt-link>


    <p>Path: {{ fullPath }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">

const fullPath = useRoute().fullPath;



  • Nuxt's built-in useRoute requires the use of <NuxtPage> which is a wrapper for <router-view> and should in fact replace <router-view>


        <NuxtPage />

    NuxtPage documentation

    The rest of your code should work at this point.

    For whatever reason if you do prefer the use of <router-view> over <NuxtPage> you can still make it work by importing vue-router's useRoute into your component.


    import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
    const fullPath = useRoute().fullPath;