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Permission denied Redshift Spring boot but works in SQL Client

I am trying to make a simple REST API to query a Redshift DB. I was granted access and can view the tables in DBeaver, but when I try to access it programmatically, I get:

Invalid operation: permission denied for relation "account"

Is this something that I am doing wrong in my code or is this a permission that I need to be granted?

For another application, we have to use AWS credentials and a AWSClientBuilder,etc. Is that the route I need to go here or can I finish my Proof of Concept with just the username and password that I use to access it on my SQL client?

Here is my code:



spring.datasource.dbcp2.validation-query=SELECT 1

I have also tried adding ;UID=user;PWD=pass; to the end of the datasource.url, but didn't change anything.


public class ContactController {
    private RedshiftRepo repo;
    public ContactController(RedshiftRepo repo) {
        this.repo = repo;
    @GetMapping(value = "/get")
    public ResponseEntity<List<Contact>> getTest(){
        List<Contact> list = repo.findAll();        
        return new ResponseEntity<List<Contact>>(list, HttpStatus.OK);

    @GetMapping(value = "/getByEmail")
    public ResponseEntity<List<Contact>> getByEmail(@RequestParam String email){
        List<Contact> list = repo.getContactByEmail(email);         
        return new ResponseEntity<List<Contact>>(list, HttpStatus.OK);


public interface RedshiftRepo extends JpaRepository<Contact, Integer>{
    @Query("select id, firstname, lastname, accountid from Contact c where = ?1")
    public Contact getContactByEmail(String email);


@Table(name ="account")
public class Contact {

    private String id;
    private String firstname;
    private String lastname;
    private String accountid;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Contact Getter</description>







  • When I wrote this, I was trying to put the code into a Lambda function that was on a different AWS account from the Redshift it was trying to access. The same code worked fine when I put it in the same account.

    So, the problem is probably that the Lambda needed IAM/security group permissions to access the Redshift, even though I was not using the RedShiftClient.

    Not sure if that is the only solution, but that is what worked for me.