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Can I get the visible data points from a chart after zoom in in Telerik ChartView?

I have a telerik RadChartView that has some datas, my X axis is a DateTimeContinuousAxis and my Y axis is a LinearAxis. This RadChartView has a zoom button, that uses the LassoZoomController methods to make the zoom. I'm facing an issue to, after the zoom in or out, I want to get the visible points that the user can see in the zoom (ignoring the ones that are not visible in the zoom). Is there a way to get only the visible points in the chart after the zoom?

In the code bellow, I want to make a verification to add the dateTime on the list only if it's visible inside my radChartView

var categoricalDataPoints = radChartView.Series.Where(serie => serie.IsVisible).SelectMany(serie => serie.DataPoints)

var visibleDateTimes = new List<DateTime>();

foreach (var categoricalDataPoint in categoricalDataPoints)
    if (categoricalDataPoint.Category is DateTime dateTime)

I've tried to get the first axis and parse it to DateTimeContinuousAxis and use the ActualRange but this range is considering all the dateTimes of the chart, not only the visibles:

var categoricalDataPoints = radChartView.Series.Where(serie => serie.IsVisible).SelectMany(serie => serie.DataPoints)

var visibleDateTimes = new List<DateTime>();

if (radChartView.Axes[0] is DateTimeContinuousAxis dateTimeContinuousAxis)
    foreach (var categoricalDataPoint in categoricalDataPoints)
        if (categoricalDataPoint.Category is DateTime dateTime)
            if (dateTime >= dateTimeContinuousAxis.ActualRange.Minimum && dateTime <= dateTimeContinuousAxis.ActualRange.Maximum)


  • Gabriel, I have prepared a sample code snippet demonstrating how to get the visible data points after pan/zoom operations are executed. The below screenshots illustrate the achieved result:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

        public partial class RadForm1 : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm
        public RadForm1()
            LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries();
            lineSeries.ShowLabels = true;
            lineSeries.PointSize = new SizeF(8, 8);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                lineSeries.DataPoints.Add(new CategoricalDataPoint(6 + i * i, DateTime.Now.AddDays(i)));
            DateTimeContinuousAxis continuousAxis = new DateTimeContinuousAxis();
            continuousAxis.PlotMode = AxisPlotMode.BetweenTicks;
            continuousAxis.LabelFormat = "{0:d}";
            //First assign the axis to the VerticalAxis property and then add the series to the chart
            lineSeries.HorizontalAxis = continuousAxis;
            this.radChartView1.ShowPanZoom = true;
            this.radChartView1.View.ZoomChanged += View_ZoomChanged;
            this.radChartView1.View.PanChanged += View_PanChanged;
        private void View_ZoomChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void View_PanChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public void GetVisiblePoints()
            List<CategoricalDataPoint> visiblePoints = new List<CategoricalDataPoint>();
            IChartView view = ((IChartView)this.radChartView1.View);
            foreach (ChartSeries series in this.radChartView1.Series)
                foreach (var dp in series.DataPoints)
                    CategoricalDataPoint cdp = (CategoricalDataPoint)dp;
                    if (CheckIfDataPointIsVisible(view, cdp))
            foreach (CategoricalDataPoint dp in visiblePoints)
                Console.WriteLine(dp.Value +" >> "+dp.Category);
        private bool CheckIfDataPointIsVisible(IChartView view, CategoricalDataPoint cdp)
            double width = ((ChartSeries)cdp.Presenter).Axes[1].Model.LayoutSlot.Width;
            RadRect viewport = new RadRect(-view.PlotOriginX + width, -view.PlotOriginY, view.ViewportWidth, view.ViewportHeight);
            return viewport.IntersectsWith(cdp.LayoutSlot);
        private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)