I have two tables A and B. I would like to fetch the value from Table B for each unique date for Table A.
As an example Suppose Below is the Table A. For the same Crawl_date it is having multiple data.
Crawl_date | Seller A |
1/12/2022 | Hari |
1/12/2022 | Om |
1/12/2022 | Harry |
1/15/2022 | Harry |
1/15/2022 | Mat |
1/17/2022 | Kat |
1/17/2022 | Will |
Table B --
Crawl_date | Value B |
1/12/2022 | 1 |
1/13/2022 | 2 |
1/14/2022 | 3 |
1/15/2022 | 4 |
1/16/2022 | 55 |
1/17/2022 | 66 |
1/18/2022 | 77 |
My Expectations are --
Crawl_date | Value B |
1/12/2022 | 1 |
1/15/2022 | 4 |
1/17/2022 | 66 |
For each unique date in Table A, I would like to fetch the corresponding data from Table B.
Add a calculated table:
New Table =
SUMMARIZE('Table A', 'Table A'[Crawl_date]),
"Value B",
VAR a = CALCULATE(MIN('Table A'[Crawl_date]))
RETURN CALCULATE(MIN('Table B'[Value B]), 'Table B'[Crawl_date] = a)