In C# 11 we can now include newlines in an interpolated string. So we can write code like this:
string pageTitle = "";
string header = $"Header: {
pageTitle switch
"" => "No title",
_ => pageTitle
Is there a way to write other code here beyond the switch statement?
I tried an if
and it tells me that if
is an invalid expression term.
string header51 = $"Header: {
if (pageTitle5 == "")
"No title";
Are there other statements beyond switch that work here?
Every expression will work. In C#, if
is not an expression, but a statement.
However, the ternary operator yields an expression:
string header51 = $"Header: {
(pageTitle5 == ""
? "No title"
: pageTitle5)
works in your example, because you do not use the switch
statement but a switch