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How to configure external properties folder and libraries in Liberty server

I am working with IBM WebSphere Liberty and I have multiple applications that require the same set of properties and libraries. I would like to configure these common properties and libraries at the server level so that they are available to all applications, without having to define/referencing them at the application level. I tried below configuraton at server level ,but doesn't seems to be working.

<library id="mySharedLib">
    <folder dir="/path/to/folder" />
    <fileset dir="/path/to/fileset/directory" includes="*.jar" />

<classLoader commonLibraryRef="mySharedLib" />

However it works fine , if I define commonLibraryRef at application level as below -

<enterPriseApplication id ="app-ear" location="app.ear" name="app-ear">
<classLoader commonLibraryRef="mySharedLib" />

The problem with this aproach is, when application is deployed through eclipse then application level configuration get overriden . Can anyone suggest a best practice for configuring common properties and libraries in a Liberty server for multiple applications?


  • (Assuming Scott's comment is right) I think this page in the documentation explains how to set projects to use shared libraries in the tooling

    It also contains links to a page explaining how to define shared libraries using the tooling.

    Let us know how you get on!