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custom errorbars for catplot with grouped bars in facets

pandas 1.5.3 seaborn 0.12.2

My code and part of the data is shown below. I am trying to plot the errorbars precomputed in the dataframe (val_lo,val_hi). It seems that sns.catplot with kind=bar has support using errorbar as mentioned here - how do I get that to work? Or any guidance into how to use matplotlib errorbar?

import pandas as pd
import re
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter

df = pd.DataFrame([
    ['C', 'G1', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.7999, 0.7944, 0.8032],
    ['C', 'G1', 'gbtv2',  'auc', 0.8199, 0.8144, 0.8232],
    ['C', 'G1', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.0883, 0.0841, 0.0909],
    ['C', 'G1', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0430, 0.0416, 0.0435],
    ['C', 'G2', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.7554, 0.7506, 0.7573],
    ['C', 'G2', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.0842, 0.0795, 0.0872],
    ['C', 'G2', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0572, 0.0556, 0.0585],
    ['C', 'G3', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.7442, 0.7404, 0.7460],
    ['C', 'G3', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.0894, 0.0836, 0.0913],
    ['C', 'G3', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0736, 0.0714, 0.0742],
    ['E', 'G1', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.7988, 0.7939, 0.8017],
    ['E', 'G1', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.0810, 0.0770, 0.0832],
    ['E', 'G1', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0354, 0.0342, 0.0361],
    ['E', 'G1', 'gbtv3','pr@10%',0.0454, 0.0442, 0.0461],
    ['E', 'G2', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.7296, 0.7253, 0.7311],
    ['E', 'G2', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.1071, 0.1034, 0.1083],
    ['E', 'G2', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0528, 0.0508, 0.0532],
    ['E', 'G3', 'gbt',    'auc', 0.6958, 0.6914, 0.6978],
    ['E', 'G3', 'gbt',  'pr@2%', 0.1007, 0.0961, 0.1030],
    ['E', 'G3', 'gbt', 'pr@10%', 0.0536, 0.0518, 0.0541],
  ], columns=["src","grp","model","metric","val","val_lo","val_hi"])

sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale=1.)
g = sns.catplot(data=df, x="grp", y="val", hue="model", 
  col="metric", row="src", kind="bar", sharey=False)
for ax in g.axes.flat:
  if"metric = auc",ax.get_title(),re.IGNORECASE):
    _ = ax.set_ylim((.5,1.))


    • ax.set_ylim((.5, 1.)) is a terrible way to present bars.
      • Bars should always use a common zero-valued baseline.
      • This is the way that data is often misrepresented, because it has the effect of exaggerating the difference of compared bars.
      • As such, this aspect will not be included.
    • There are ways to manually add lines to seaborn plots as errorbars, but this defeats the purpose, and is cumbersome.
      • seaborn is a high-level API for matplotlib, which makes some things easier to implement, however, if your plotting requires customization, then using matplotlib directly, may be the better option
      •, 'grp', 'val', 'yerr', marker='none', color='r', ls='none') does not properly dodge the errorbars to align with the bars, as seen here.
    • pandas.DataFrame.plot uses matplotlib as the default plotting backend.
      • The same plot can be created directly with pandas, and matplotlib.pyplot.subplots.
    • Tested in python 3.11.2, pandas 2.0.0, matplotlib 3.7.1, seaborn 0.12.2

    • If 'val_lo' and 'val_hi' are symmetric about the bar top
    • Calculate yerr with df.val_hi.sub(df.val_lo) and then use the yerr= parameter in pandas.DataFrame.plot to add error bars.
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter
    import numpy as np
    # given the DataFrame in the OP
    # setting metric and Categorical and ordered will insure the order of each subplot as long as df.metric.unique() is in the desired order, otherwise pass a list of the ordered unique values
    df.metric = pd.Categorical(df.metric, df.metric.unique(), ordered=True)
    # calculate a single metric for the errorbars
    df['yerr'] = df.val_hi.sub(df.val_lo)
    # create the figure and subplots
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True, sharey=True)
    # flatten the axes for easy access
    axes = axes.flat
    # get a set of the unique model values
    models = set(df.model.unique())
    # iteate through the axes and groupby objects
    for ax, ((src, metric), data) in zip(axes, df.groupby(['src', 'metric'])):
        # pivot the val the yerr column for plotting
        yerr = data.pivot(index='grp', columns='model', values='yerr')
        data = data.pivot(index='grp', columns='model', values='val')
        # add the missing columns to  data to unsure all grp are shown
        cols = list(models.difference(set(data.columns)))
        data[cols] = 0
        # sort the columns so bars are plotted in the same position in each axes
        data = data.sort_index(axis=1)
        # plot the bars for data
        data.plot(kind='bar', yerr=yerr, ax=ax, rot=0, yticks=np.arange(0, 1.1, .1), title=f'src: {src} | metric: {metric}')
        # change the yaxis to percent
        # remove the spines the match catplot
        ax.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
    # extract the axes level legend properties
    handles, labels = axes[-1].get_legend_handles_labels()
    # remove all the axes level legends
    for ax in axes:
    # add a figure level legend
    fig.legend(handles, labels, title='Model', loc='outside right center', frameon=False)

    enter image description here

    • If 'val_lo' and 'val_hi' are not symmetric about the bar top
    • Use .vlines to plot a vertical line as the error bar
      • 'val_lo' and 'val_hi' as ymin and ymax respectively.
      • Extract the xtick location of the respective bar container with .get_center, which can be passed to x
      • See How to draw vertical lines on a given plot for additional details about this method.
    # given the DataFrame in the OP
    # setting metric and Categorical and ordered will insure the order of each subplot as long as df.metric.unique() is in the desired order, otherwise pass a list of the ordered unique values
    df.metric = pd.Categorical(df.metric, df.metric.unique(), ordered=True)
    # create the figure and subplots
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 20), sharex=True, sharey=True, dpi=300)
    # flatten the axes for easy access
    axes = axes.flat
    # get a set of the unique model values
    models = set(df.model.unique())
    # iteate through the axes and groupby objects
    for ax, ((src, metric), data) in zip(axes, df.groupby(['src', 'metric'])):
        # get the error columns
        error_data = data[['grp', 'model', 'src', 'val_lo', 'val_hi']].copy()
        # pivot the val column for plotting
        data = data.pivot(index='grp', columns='model', values='val')
        # add the missing columns to  data to unsure all grp are shown
        cols = list(models.difference(set(data.columns)))
        data[cols] = 0
        # sort the columns so bars are plotted in the same position in each axes
        data = data.sort_index(axis=1)
        # plot the bars for data
        data.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax, rot=0, yticks=np.arange(0, 1.1, .1), title=f'src: {src} | metric: {metric}')
        # iterate through each bar container
        for c in ax.containers:
            # get the label of the bar
            label = c.get_label()
            # select the appropriate error data
            eb = error_data[error_data.model.eq(label)]
            # get the center x value of the existing bars
            x = [center[0] for v in c if (center := v.get_center()).any() and center[1] != 0]
            # if eb isn't empty for the current label, add the vertical lines
            if not eb.empty:
                ax.vlines(x, ymin=eb.val_lo, ymax=eb.val_hi, color='k')
        # change the yaxis to percent
        # remove the spines the match catplot
        ax.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
    # extract the axes level legend properties
    handles, labels = axes[-1].get_legend_handles_labels()
    # remove all the axes level legends
    for ax in axes:
    # add a figure level legend
    fig.legend(handles, labels, title='Model', loc='outside right center', frameon=False)
    • This image was saved to a very large size and dpi because some of the errorbars are very small, and are otherwise barely visible.

    enter image description here


       src grp  model  metric     val  val_lo  val_hi    yerr
    0    C  G1    gbt     auc  0.7999  0.7944  0.8032  0.0088
    1    C  G1  gbtv2     auc  0.8199  0.8144  0.8232  0.0088
    2    C  G1    gbt   pr@2%  0.0883  0.0841  0.0909  0.0068
    3    C  G1    gbt  pr@10%  0.0430  0.0416  0.0435  0.0019
    4    C  G2    gbt     auc  0.7554  0.7506  0.7573  0.0067
    5    C  G2    gbt   pr@2%  0.0842  0.0795  0.0872  0.0077
    6    C  G2    gbt  pr@10%  0.0572  0.0556  0.0585  0.0029
    7    C  G3    gbt     auc  0.7442  0.7404  0.7460  0.0056
    8    C  G3    gbt   pr@2%  0.0894  0.0836  0.0913  0.0077
    9    C  G3    gbt  pr@10%  0.0736  0.0714  0.0742  0.0028
    10   E  G1    gbt     auc  0.7988  0.7939  0.8017  0.0078
    11   E  G1    gbt   pr@2%  0.0810  0.0770  0.0832  0.0062
    12   E  G1    gbt  pr@10%  0.0354  0.0342  0.0361  0.0019
    13   E  G1  gbtv3  pr@10%  0.0454  0.0442  0.0461  0.0019
    14   E  G2    gbt     auc  0.7296  0.7253  0.7311  0.0058
    15   E  G2    gbt   pr@2%  0.1071  0.1034  0.1083  0.0049
    16   E  G2    gbt  pr@10%  0.0528  0.0508  0.0532  0.0024
    17   E  G3    gbt     auc  0.6958  0.6914  0.6978  0.0064
    18   E  G3    gbt   pr@2%  0.1007  0.0961  0.1030  0.0069
    19   E  G3    gbt  pr@10%  0.0536  0.0518  0.0541  0.0023