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Autoheight of vertical column header in C# using DevXpress

I used this (the code is in VB so I converted it to C#) to get vertical column headers. I get the vertical headers but my problem is some of them doesn't fit, so they are not fully visible.

Is it possible to autoheight the column headers ? (all height set to max height)


  • As shown in Devexpress support center i think this will be the solution to your problem First add an helper class to your solution

    public class AutoHeightHelper
        GridView view;
        public AutoHeightHelper(GridView view)
            this.view = view;
        public void EnableColumnPanelAutoHeight()
        private void SubscribeToEvents()
            view.ColumnWidthChanged += OnColumnWidthChanged;
            view.GridControl.Resize += OnGridControlResize;
            view.EndSorting += OnGridColumnEndSorting;
        void OnGridColumnEndSorting(object sender, EventArgs e)
            view.GridControl.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(SetColumnPanelHeight));
        void OnGridControlResize(object sender, EventArgs e)
        void OnColumnWidthChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.ColumnEventArgs e)
        private void SetColumnPanelHeight()
            GridViewInfo viewInfo = view.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo;
            int height = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < view.VisibleColumns.Count; i++)
                height = Math.Max(GetColumnBestHeight(viewInfo, view.VisibleColumns[i]), height);
            view.ColumnPanelRowHeight = height;
        private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridViewInfo viewInfo, GridColumn column)
            GridColumnInfoArgs ex = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column];
            GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo();
            ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache;
            bool canDrawMore = true;
            Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.GetCaption());
            Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore);
            res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height);
            res.Width += captionSize.Width;
            res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size;
            return res.Height;
        Size CalcCaptionTextSize(GraphicsCache cache, HeaderObjectInfoArgs ee, string caption)
            Size captionSize = ee.Appearance.CalcTextSize(cache, caption, ee.CaptionRect.Width).ToSize();
            captionSize.Height++; captionSize.Width++;
            return captionSize;
        public void DisableColumnPanelAutoHeight()
        private void UnsubscribeFromEvents()
            view.ColumnWidthChanged -= OnColumnWidthChanged;
            view.GridControl.Resize -= OnGridControlResize;
            view.EndSorting -= OnGridColumnEndSorting;

    Then on your form you should make the helper class to Handle GridView's columns resize events by adding the following lines of code

    AutoHeightHelper helper;
    private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
        helper = new AutoHeightHelper(gridView1);
    private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

    Hope this helps...