I have some sites (a,b,c
) where the soil has a certain maximum capacity (100,200
). For each period of time (every row in my dataset), I have calculated the change in water content (change
db <- data.table(ID=c(rep("a",3),rep("b",3),rep("c",3)),
ID capacity prc evpt change
1: a 100 39 20 19.0000000
2: a 100 74 35 39.0000000
3: a 100 67 19 48.0000000
4: b 200 49 78 0.8650223
5: b 200 41 70 0.8650223
6: b 200 94 75 19.0000000
7: c 200 74 51 23.0000000
8: c 200 67 71 0.9801987
9: c 200 77 73 4.0000000
At time 0 the site hold the maximum capacity
of water. Then, if prc
, change
is the water added to the previous content, without exceeding the maximum capacity. If prc
< evpt
, change
is a multiplier of the previous water content, thus reducing the content.
# draft function
new_content <- function(change,capacity,prc,evpt){
if (prc>evpt) {
} else {
Then I should apply the function for each site to get a new column (content
) showing the temporal variation of water content. As in the following output calculated in Excel:
> db
ID capacity prc evpt change content
1: a 100 39 20 19.0000000 100.0000
2: a 100 74 35 39.0000000 100.0000
3: a 100 67 19 48.0000000 100.0000
4: b 200 49 78 0.8650223 173.0045
5: b 200 41 70 0.8650223 149.6527
6: b 200 94 75 19.0000000 168.6527
7: c 200 74 51 23.0000000 200.0000
8: c 200 67 71 0.9801987 196.0397
9: c 200 77 73 4.0000000 200.0000
The problem I cannot solve is how to define the variable previous_content
, i.e. at the beginning equal to the maximum capacity and then to the content of the previous row.
I checked the documentation of both data.table::frollapply
and zoo:rollapply
but I was not able even to write a starting draft for that. Any help? Thanks!
Assuming the input shown in the Note at the end content2
generated using Reduce
is the same as content
db[, content2 := Reduce(function(x, i) with(.SD[i, ], {
if (prc > evpt) min(change+x, capacity)
else x * change
}), 1:.N, init = capacity[1], acc = TRUE)[-1], by = ID]
## ID capacity prc evpt change content content2
## 1: a 100 39 20 19.0000000 100.0000 100.0000
## 2: a 100 74 35 39.0000000 100.0000 100.0000
## 3: a 100 67 19 48.0000000 100.0000 100.0000
## 4: b 200 49 78 0.8650223 173.0045 173.0045
## 5: b 200 41 70 0.8650223 149.6527 149.6527
## 6: b 200 94 75 19.0000000 168.6527 168.6527
## 7: c 200 74 51 23.0000000 200.0000 200.0000
## 8: c 200 67 71 0.9801987 196.0397 196.0397
## 9: c 200 77 73 4.0000000 200.0000 200.0000
In the example in the question capacity
is always constant within ID
and change
is multiplied if it is <= 1 and added otherwise. If those are true generally we can simplify the above:
db[, content3 := Reduce(function(x, change)
if (change > 1) min(change + x, capacity[1]) else x * change,
change, init = capacity[1], acc = TRUE)[-1],
by = ID]
Lines <- "ID capacity prc evpt change content
a 100 39 20 19.0000000 100.0000
a 100 74 35 39.0000000 100.0000
a 100 67 19 48.0000000 100.0000
b 200 49 78 0.8650223 173.0045
b 200 41 70 0.8650223 149.6527
b 200 94 75 19.0000000 168.6527
c 200 74 51 23.0000000 200.0000
c 200 67 71 0.9801987 196.0397
c 200 77 73 4.0000000 200.0000"
db <- fread(Lines)