I am writing an ASP.NET Core service that's a basic passthrough for now. It should receive JSON from another server and send it to the client as is.
Let's say the other server serves this:
my passthrough calls HttpClient.GetStringAsync the problem is that it returns a string not an object :
That's not what I need. So how do I get the original? I do not see a GetXXX method in HttpClient that will return arbitrary object (that would be plan A).
I tried HttpClient.GetAsync but that does not return the JSON either it returns HttpResponseMessage that contains everything (headers status etc.) EXCEPT the desired JSON
Plan B is to convert the string into an object but even if I ignore extra cycles spent on it, I don't know the object type in advance. I tried Newtonsoft's
and also
neither worked. I also tried RegEx.Unescape - no dice.
Is HttpClient may be not the right tool for this? Or am I using it wrong?
if you use net 6+ minimal api
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
var jsonString = "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Sleep\",\"isComplete\":false}]";
return Results.Content(jsonString, "application/json");
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
return Content(jsonString, "application/json");