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How to accept .psd, .avi, .mov files in nestjs file interceptor?

I am trying to accept multiple images in my request body, The files I am having problems are .mov, .psd, .avi.

This is my current code snippet

@UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor('upload_image', 10))
  async uploadImage(
      new ParseFilePipe({
        validators: [
          new FileTypeValidator({
            fileType: '.(png|jpeg|jpg|pdf|gif|svg|mp4|psd|bmp|mov|avi)',
          new MaxFileSizeValidator({ maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 4 }),
    @Body() body: UploadFileDto,
    @Req() req,
    @Res() res,
  ) {
// Some service logic

Iam getting the below response after selecting .avi , .mov, .psd files

    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Validation failed (expected type is .(png|jpeg|jpg|pdf|gif|svg|mp4|psd|bmp|mov|avi))",
    "error": "Bad Request"

It accepts file for evry other format other than the formats mentioned above.


  • Try adding mimeType as well. May be its throwing as mimeType is not mentioned. Refer this piece of code fileType: '^.*.(mov|quicktime|photoshop)$',