For some legacy reasons I still need to add a base href tag in the header of the HTML page:
Naively, I thought this TypoScript would work:
page.headTag.append = TEXT = site.base
page.headTag.append.wrap = <base href="|">
Loosely based on baseURL documentation for v12.
But, this creates the following (HTML source code):
<base href="">
Double-checking if the site.base will resolve:
page >
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT = site:base
page.10.wrap = This is your base URL: |
This works! The output is:
This is your base URL:
(The code snippet was taken verbatim from
I did not use config.baseURL
because this will be deprecated in v12. I am on TYPO3 v11.
See also documentation of config.baseURL:
Please make sure to use the correct data value. You are using a dot instead of a colon.
page.headTag.append = TEXT = site:base
page.headTag.append.wrap = <base href="|">