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laravel app shows white blank page on Artisan cache:clear or config:clear command

My laravel app is working quite well but I noticed the mail config is not using the value from ENV so I ran artisan config:clear. Then, when I reload, the website shows a blank white page.

This are what I have tried so far but still not working:

  • Check for whitespace in ENV value (found none)
  • Run artisan config:cache, config:clear, view:clear, route:clear and even clear
  • Delete cache files in bootstrap cache folder manually

Anyone experienced this before?


  • Thanks for the help, I have been able to solve it.

    • My website was hosted on a shared hosting and I was running artisan command through route.
    • Later I was able to use ssh access to run artisan command and turns out that it returns an error which prevent the command from running.
    • The error was that each time I save and write value to env file, there was a break line between my APPNAME.
    • Since the artisan command didn't run when I hit the clear route, the cache config does not clear thereby returns the already cached data when trying to send mail.