First of all I have no experience coding with fortran. I am trying to run a fortran code with python ctypes. I used the command gfortran -shared -g -o test.f90
to convert my test.f90 file (code below) to
After reading C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value and table in chapter "Fundamental data types" I had a clue about passing the right data type in my python code like ctypes.c_double(123)
for real(kind=c_double)
. I received a Type Error: wrong type
I have no idea about passing the right data type to real(kind=c_double),dimension(*)
it seems like an array for me. On Numpy array to ctypes with FORTRAN ordering and it is well explained that numpy is providing a ctype conversion. So I tried some random arrays to pass values with np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
. Now I receiving another type error: TypeError: item 2 in _argtypes_ has no from_param method
I shared my python code also below. I could not figure out which data types I need to pass in my function. I would be grateful for an explanation.
function sticksum( anzd, w, b, a, weight, val, maxTchan, sthresh) result(spek) bind(c, name="sticksum")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
real(kind=c_double) :: anzd
real(kind=c_double) :: b,a
real(kind=c_double),dimension(*) :: w,weight
real(kind=c_double),dimension(*) :: val
integer(kind=c_int) :: maxTchan
real(kind=c_double) :: sthresh
real(kind=c_double) :: spek
integer :: i, t, j,anz
real :: stick, maxw
anz = anzd
spek = 123
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if(t >= 1) THEN
spek = anz
stick = 0. + val(t)
maxw = weight(i)*stick
do i=2,anz
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if(t > maxTchan) exit
stick = val(t)
maxw = max(weight(i)*stick,maxw)
if( (w(i)*w(i)-w(i-1)*w(i-1)) > 0.5) THEN
spek = spek + maxw
maxw = 0
end if
end do
end if
end function sticksum
from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
so_file = "./"
my_functions = CDLL(so_file)
my_functions.sticksum_4.argtypes = [c_double,np.ndarray.ctypes,c_double,c_double,np.ndarray.ctypes,np.ndarray.ctypes,c_int, c_double]
my_functions.restype = c_double
anzd = c_double(123)
w = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
sum = my_functions.sticksum_4(anzd,w,b,a,weight,val,maxTchan,sthresh)
I want to start by stating that Fortran is not among my skills - I came in touch with it ~5 times (other questions from SO).
I found a bunch of problems:
Arguments are passed by reference to functions / subroutines ([GNU.GCC]: Argument passing conventions). That took me an hour to figure out. After I fixed all the rest, I was getting Access Violation when even printing one such argument. I added the dummy function during investigation. Anyway, the simplest version is to specify value for the ones to be passed by value (the other way around would be to pass pointers from the calling code)
Since I am on Win, I had to add the dllexport attribute to each function to be exported by the .dll (I was also able to do it by passing /EXPORT to the linker for each function). I had another setback, as when checking the function export, the tool that I primarily use (check [SO]: Discover missing module using command-line ("DLL load failed" error) (@CristiFati's answer)) doesn't show it:
1st argument is the dimension, no need to be double
Other (minor) issues (like reorganizing, adding module stuff, ...)
Managed to get the example working (I have no idea what all the operations from sticksum are supposed to do).
module dll00
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
#if 0
function dummy(i0, d0) result(res) bind(C, name="dummy")
!dec$ attributes dllexport :: dummy
integer(kind=c_int), intent(in), value :: i0
real(kind=c_double), intent(in), value :: d0
integer(kind=c_int) :: res
res = 1618
print *, "xxx", res
print *, "yyy", i0
print *, "zzz", d0
end function dummy
function sticksum(anz, w, b, a, weight, value, maxTchan, sthresh) result(spek) bind(C, name="sticksum")
!dec$ attributes dllexport :: sticksum
integer(kind=c_int), intent(in), value :: anz, maxTchan
real(kind=c_double), intent(in), value :: b, a, sthresh
real(kind=c_double), intent(in), dimension(*) :: w, weight, value
real(kind=c_double) :: spek
integer :: i, t, j
real :: stick, maxw
spek = 123
i = 1
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if (t >= 1) then
spek = anz
stick = 0. + value(t)
maxw = weight(i) * stick
do i = 2, anz
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if (t > maxTchan) exit
stick = value(t)
maxw = max(weight(i) * stick, maxw)
if ((w(i) * w(i) - w(i - 1) * w(i - 1)) > 0.5) then
spek = spek + maxw
maxw = 0
end if
end do
end if
end function sticksum
end module dll00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ctypes as cts
import sys
import numpy as np
DLL_NAME = "./dll00.{:s}".format("dll" if sys.platform[:3].lower() == "win" else "so")
ELEMENT_TYPE = cts.c_double
DblPtr = cts.POINTER(cts.c_double)
def np_mat_type(dim, element_type=ELEMENT_TYPE):
return np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=element_type, shape=(dim,), flags="F_CONTIGUOUS")
def main(*argv):
dim = 5
dll = cts.CDLL(DLL_NAME)
sticksum = dll.sticksum
sticksum.argtypes = (cts.c_int, np_mat_type(dim), cts.c_double, cts.c_double, np_mat_type(dim), np_mat_type(dim), cts.c_int, cts.c_double)
#sticksum.argtypes = (cts.c_int, DblPtr, cts.c_double, cts.c_double, DblPtr, DblPtr, cts.c_int, cts.c_double) # @TODO - cfati: alternative
sticksum.restype = cts.c_double
if 0:
dummy = dll.dummy
dummy.argtypes = (cts.c_int, cts.c_double)
dummy.restype = cts.c_int
print(dummy(cts.c_int(3141593), cts.c_double(2.718282)))
w = np.arange(dim, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE)
a = 1
b = 2
weight = np.arange(1, dim + 1, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE)
val = np.arange(2, dim + 2, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE)
#print(w, weight, val)
mtc = 3
stresh = 6
res = sticksum(dim, w, b, a, weight, val, mtc, stresh)
#res = sticksum(dim, np.asfortranarray(w, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE).ctypes.data_as(DblPtr), b, a, np.asfortranarray(weight, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE).ctypes.data_as(DblPtr), np.asfortranarray(val, dtype=ELEMENT_TYPE).ctypes.data_as(DblPtr), mtc, stresh) # @TODO - cfati: alternative
print("\n{:s} returned: {:.3f}".format(sticksum.__name__, res))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\StackExchange\StackOverflow\q075937942]> sopr.bat ### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in StackOverflow (or other) pages ### [prompt]> "c:\Install\pc032\Microsoft\VisualStudioCommunity\2019\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 > nul [prompt]> [prompt]> dir /b dll00.f90 [prompt]> [prompt]> "f:\Install\pc032\Intel\OneAPI\Version\compiler\2021.3.0\windows\bin\intel64\ifort.exe" /nologo /fpp /c dll00.f90 [prompt]> [prompt]> link /NOLOGO /DLL /OUT:dll00.dll /LIBPATH:"f:\Install\pc032\Intel\OneAPI\Version\compiler\2021.3.0\windows\compiler\lib\intel64_win" dll00.obj Creating library dll00.lib and object dll00.exp [prompt]> dir /b dll00.dll dll00.exp dll00.f90 dll00.lib dll00.mod dll00.obj [prompt]> [prompt]> "e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_pc064_03.10_test0\Scripts\python.exe" ./ Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec 6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32 sticksum returned: 5.000 Done.
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