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Navigate to a specific page within a new screen in Flutter

On the Home screen of my app, I have different genre buttons 'Reggae', 'Electronic' .etc

When I press a genre button, I want it to take me to that specific page I have already created within my BeatsPage

Both HomeScreen and BeatsPage are accessible from my bottom navigation bar.

The BeatsPage contains a list of PageView slides in the top half of the screen, as well as a ListView in the bottom half. The PageView widgets can be swiped horizontally to change page with page dot indicators and uses a _pageController. When the PageView is changed, the corresponding ListView widgets change with it.

The issue is that I have been unable to find a way of navigating to a specific page within my BeatsPage, from my HomeScreen.

I have tried using a named route and a GestureDetector on my genre's Container, so that I could navigate to the BeatsPage.

  routes: {
    '/beats': (context) => BeatsPage(),

Then using 'arguments 2' I tried to route it to a specific page within BeatsPage:

onTap: () {
  Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/beats', arguments: 2);

After going around in circles, I have not been able to find away of achieving my goal.

Also, the navigation bar disappears when navigating from one screen to another, which I have been unable to fix.


  • as the way I understand to your problem, I think you should use 'initialPage' in PageControler,

    The int value of initialPage id from the HomePage, for each genre button put a value of the PageView which it starts from 0

    check out this and I hope it helps you

        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
            PageController controller = PageController(initialPage: widget.index);

    The BeatsPage class

    class BeatsPage extends StatefulWidget {
      const BeatsPageView({super.key, required this.index});
      final int index;
      State<BeatsPageView> createState() => _BeatsPageViewState();

    the onTap of the Buttons of genre

    onTap: () {
      Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (context) {
          return BeatsPage(
            index: 0,


    onTap: () {
      Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (context) {
          return BeatsPage(
            index: 1,

    or if the Buttons are inside a ListView.builder use the widget 'index'

    onTap: () {
      Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (context) {
          return BeatsPage(
            index: index,