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Error when trying to access azure aks with kubectl

I went through this link - Error when attempting to access azure aks with kubectl which talks about installing kubectl and kubelogin, but I am still not able to find a workaround.

This is basically what the problem is, after running these commands

az login
az account set --subscription
az aks get-credentials -n $AKS-cluster-name -g $resource-group-name

when I am trying to use kubectl,this is the error I get

error: The azure auth plugin has been removed

I have tried installing kubectl and kubelogin as mentioned in this forum earlier, but I still cannot run kubectl get pods or any other commands.

PS C:\Windows\system32> kubectl get pods
error: The azure auth plugin has been removed.
Please use the kubectl/client-go credential plugin instead.
See for further details
PS C:\Windows\system32>


  • Thanks to @silent for guiding in right direction.

    As @silent mentioned, you have to use az aks get-credentials -n $AKS-cluster-name -g $resource-group-name --admin to download the Kubernetes configuration file with administrative privileges.

    • The configuration file will include the credentials for the Kubernetes cluster administrator, which allows to perform administrative tasks on the cluster.
    • Without --admin flag, the configuration file will only include the credentials for a regular user, which limits the tasks that you can perform on the cluster.

    I have tried with az aks get-credentials -n $AKS-cluster-name -g $resource-group-name --admin and az aks get-credentials -n $AKS-cluster-name -g $resource-group-name in my environment. It worked in both cases as shown below:

    Command 1: enter image description here

    Command 2: enter image description here

    enter image description here


    Refer to MSDOC for more info on '--admin' keyword as it returns the regular user creds of the AKS Cluster.