I have a query, works fine. In the last step I want it to order the whole table DESC based on the number of items in the 'Item List' column, but it's not working.
SELECT t8.username AS 'Username',
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN t1.dup=1 AND t2.stat=0 AND t5.item_name='lamp' THEN item_id END ORDER BY item_id SEPARATOR ', ') `My Item List`,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN t2.dup=1 AND t1.stat=0 AND t5.item_name='lamp' THEN item_id END ORDER BY item_id SEPARATOR ', ') `Item List`
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table3 t2 USING (item_id)
JOIN table2 t5 ON t5.id = t2.user_id
JOIN accounts t8 ON t8.id = t2.user_id
WHERE t1.user_id = 23
AND t2.user_id <> 23
GROUP BY t2.user_id
HAVING `Item List` is not null or `My Item List` is not null
I'm pretty sure I'm colse, but I'm still missing something.
The item_id is stored in table2 as int(11) then gave it to table3 as Foreign Key.
This is what I get with COUNT:
This is what I get with LENGTH:
Thank you!
We can compute the count of elements in Item List
with a sum
that uses the same conditions as the corresponding group_concat
, like so:
SELECT t8.username AS 'Username',
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN t1.dup=1 AND t2.stat=0 AND t5.item_name='lamp' THEN item_id END ORDER BY item_id SEPARATOR ', ') `My Item List`,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN t2.dup=1 AND t1.stat=0 AND t5.item_name='lamp' THEN item_id END ORDER BY item_id SEPARATOR ', ') `Item List`
FROM table1 t1
ORDER BY SUM(CASE WHEN t2.dup=1 AND t1.stat=0 AND t5.item_name='lamp' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) DESC
This is safer than just comparing the length of the generated string: for example, an item list that contains a single big number (like '10000'
) is still longer than '1, 2'
, which contains two items.
If we were to use string functions, we could count how many commas appear in the string instead:
ORDER BY LENGTH(`Item List`) - LENGTH(REPLACE(`Item List`, ', ', '')) DESC
Side note: two users might have the same number of items in their list, so it would probably a good idea to add another sort criteria to break potential ties.