I am running Prometheus inside docker container. I want to track metrics of docker. My docker command to run Prometheus is,
docker run -d --name prometheus \
-v ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -p 9090:9090\
My prometheus.yml file contains.
# my global config
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
monitor: 'codelab-monitor'
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
- job_name: 'docker'
- targets: ['localhost:9323']
And I have updated daemon.json for docker too. It contains,
"data-root": "/docker-root2/docker",
"metrics-addr" : "",
"experimental": true
And I also tried to change it to,
"data-root": "/docker-root2/docker",
"metrics-addr" : "",
"experimental": true
I have changed docker root directory to "data-root": "/docker-root2/docker", This doesn't have any connection with question.
Followed docker official tutorial link but this is not working for me.
But still I am getting status Down
for target docker
Get "http://localhost:9323/metrics": dial tcp connect: connection refused
I want to get the expected result of target status to UP. Further I want to get docker matrices.
I have solved this problem by changing two things. I was running Prometheus inside container, so it doesn't have access to the local machine through localhost
. For that I updated my prometheus.yml
file and changed,
- targets: ['localhost:9323']
to my host(system) IP address.
- targets: ['']
Second thing, I recreated container with an extra option --add-host
docker run -d --name prometheus \
--add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
-v ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
-p 9090:9090 \