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Extending Django-Registration: Getting error on setting

am trying to follow the answers provided in Django-Registration & Django-Profile, using your own custom form and Creating a Django Registration Form by Extending Django-Registation Application to extend the django-registration form. I added the following code in

url(r'^accounts/register/$', register, {'backend': 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend','form_class': UserRegistrationForm}, name='registration_register'),
(r'^accounts/', include(regUrls)),

but now whenever i access http://localhost:8000/accounts/register/ am getting the following error

register() got an unexpected keyword argument 'form_class'

Please help me out. Why am i getting this error? I goggled a lot but still i could not figure out a solution.


  • That dictionary in your entry gets passed as keyword arguments to the view function, register, when you access the page. register doesn't have a keyword argument form_class.

    If the register your first link is referring to is the register from the second, the first link is wrong. Because that register doesn't accept that keyword arg. One answer seems to define a different register method, but I think that might be something else(?)

    If you understand what the form_class is supposed to be passed to, you could just add the kwarg to register manually too.