I am creating a Plane with a VideoMaterial and placing it over a recognized image. The anchor for the plane is created like this:
let anchor = AnchorEntity(world: imageAnchor.transform)
And that works fine for the initial location. But I want it to stay in place as I move the phone around, and it doesn't. It doesn't quite follow the phone, either, but it moves in the same general direction.
I think the fix for this is to keep updating the anchor's transform in didUpdate, but to what? I only have the current transform of the imageAnchor and no way to convert it to world coordinates. I tried using it unconverted and the plane ended in an entirely wrong place.
Native RealityKit's case image(group: String, name: String) automatically tracks its target (image).
AnchorEntity(.image(group: "ARGroup", name: "myImage"))
If you prefer to track ARKit's ARImageAnchor
, then use session(_:didUpdate:) delegate method.
AnchorEntity(anchor: arImageAnchor)