I'm trying to read a QR code from a static image using Swift.
I can easily read it using a video source although it seems to be very different for images and I can't find too many resources online for this.
Any help appreciated, thanks.
func readQRCode(from image: UIImage) -> Result<String, QRReadingError> {
guard let ciImage = CIImage(image: image) else {
print("Couldn't create CIImage")
return .failure(.generic)
guard let detector = CIDetector(
ofType: CIDetectorTypeQRCode,
context: nil,
options: [CIDetectorAccuracy: CIDetectorAccuracyHigh]
) else {
print("Detector not intialized")
return .failure(.generic)
let features = detector.features(in: ciImage)
let qrCodeFeatures = features.compactMap { $0 as? CIQRCodeFeature }
guard let qrCode = qrCodeFeatures.first?.messageString else {
print("No QR code found in the image")
return .failure(.qrCodeNotFoundInImage)
return .success(qrCode)
enum QRReadingError: Error {
case generic
case qrCodeNotFoundInImage