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cat: 'd'$'\303''ata.txt': No such file or directory

I'm a newbie learning docker and have followed the instructions on docker homepage. I'm following this tutorial at this link. After, I have dragged the image to docker desktop completed as shown below:


Now, when I try to run the command as shown in the tutorial, I get an error:

cat: '/d'$'\303''ata.txt': No such file or directory


I'm sure I followed the instructions from start to finish and it worked perfectly but on this example I get an error. Can someone explain it to me and show me how to fix it?


  • Oh, I have the answer for this error. That's because on my computer I'm using Unikey for Vietnamese (This is the most popular Vietnamese typing program on Windows in Vietnam) enter image description here This is the main cause of this error, I fixed it by turning off Unikey Vietnamese and re-entering the command as in the website's instructions. enter image description here