Just can't figure out how to make Indicators like in provided picture in Jetpack Compose.
Tryed using LinearProgressIndicator but as I understood there is no way to make it be vertical, sadly.
There is not an easy way to do it, but I've copied some of my own code as an example of how you'd build one:
fun VerticalProgressBar(
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = Color.Green,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Black,
size: Size = Size(width = 10f, height = 100f),
strokeSize: Float = 1f,
strokeColor: Color = Color.Blue
) {
modifier = modifier
.border(width = strokeSize.dp, color = strokeColor)
) {
// Progress made
color = color,
size = Size(size.width.dp.toPx(), height = (progress * size.height).dp.toPx()),
topLeft = Offset(0.dp.toPx(), ((1 - progress) * size.height).dp.toPx())
// background
color = backgroundColor,
size = Size(width = size.width.dp.toPx(), height = ((1 - progress) * size.height).dp.toPx()),