I'm trying to use omegaconf resolvers on dictionaries and lists but I keep getting an error. for example the following code gives a hydra.errors.OverrideParseException
(taken from here Hydra combine lists in config)
(I'm running on Hydra 1.1.2)
import hydra
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
# custom list merge resolver
OmegaConf.register_new_resolver("merge", lambda x, y : x + y)
@hydra.main(config_name="test.yaml", config_path="./")
def main(cfg):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Config file test.yaml
list1 : [0]
list2 : [1,2,3]
list3 : ${merge:${list1},${list2}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\utils.py", line 377, in _run_hydra
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\utils.py", line 214, in run_and_report
raise ex
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\utils.py", line 211, in run_and_report
return func()
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\utils.py", line 378, in <lambda>
lambda: hydra.run(
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\hydra.py", line 88, in run
cfg = self.compose_config(
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\hydra.py", line 559, in compose_config
cfg = self.config_loader.load_configuration(
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\config_loader_impl.py", line 141, in load_configuration
return self._load_configuration_impl(
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\config_loader_impl.py", line 231, in _load_configuration_impl
parsed_overrides = parser.parse_overrides(overrides=overrides)
File "C:\venvs\color-correction\lib\site-packages\hydra\core\override_parser\overrides_parser.py", line 96, in parse_overrides
raise OverrideParseException(
hydra.errors.OverrideParseException: Error parsing override 'list3=${merge:${list1},${list2}}'
extraneous input '}' expecting <EOF>
See https://hydra.cc/docs/next/advanced/override_grammar/basic for details
I'm trying to use omegaconf resolvers on dictionaries and lists.
When passing values such as interpolations via the CLI, it is sometimes necessary to use an extra set of quotes.
Instead of running python app.py 'list3=${merge:${list1},${list2}}'
, run python app.py 'list3="${merge:${list1},${list2}}"'
See the hydra docs on quoting at the CLI for more information.