I'm developing a flutter application which uses Firebase as it's back-end framework. I've been developing the application for Android for quite some time, and recently I'm trying to support iOS as well. In my application, I do a call to Firebase RTDB to get some data, and I used await for it since I need it to be finished before performing other tasks. However, the fetch operation never finishes when I open it on iOS Simulator, it works fine when I use it in the distributed app on a real device. This didn't happen before I enforced App Check for my Firebase Project. Which convinces me that this problem is due to App Check. So I looked up on how to register my debug environment, which is provided here in the Firebase Docs. But, even after following the steps, I still can't get the debug token to show up in the terminal. Are there any steps that I might've missed? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
The solution that I found was that the debug token won't show up if I run it directly from Android Studio, however, if I run it using Xcode, it shows up. So I always use Xcode for the first run to register the debug token, after that I just proceed on using Android Studio as the debug token has been registered.