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Apache Nifi - Implementing While True and Wait

In Nifi, I would like to implement the following logic in Nifi.

while(true) {
  prj_result = invoke_prj_Rest_EndPoint();
  prjs_list = prjs_list["prjs"];
  for prj in prjs_list:
       emp_response = invoke_emp_rest_Endpoint(prj["id"]);
       next_cursor = emp_response["meta"]["next_cursor"];
       while next_cursor:
         sleep(10 secs);
         emps = emp_response["emps"];
         for emp in emps:
             emp["mod_time"] = now();

Approach I have so far,

enter image description here

For while(true) --> I am initializing a param i = 1 and checking $(i:eq(1)) and not incrementing. Is there a better approach? For Sleep or not sure what is the best approach? Also, Not sure how to implement for and prj in prjs_list and internal while.


  • GenerateFlowFile - is already kind a "while(true)" - it will generate flowfile according to a schedule.

    after first invokehttp split response by "prjs" to multiple flowfiles. if response is json you can use SplitJson

    after splitting - make required transformation on each "prj" flowfile and then call invokehttp - again in scheduling you can set every 10 sec.

    So, flow could look like this:

          1 GenerateFlowFile
    1 --> 2 InvokeHttp        first
    2 --> 3 SplitJson         by $.prjs
    3 --> 4 EvaluateJsonPath  extract $
    4 --> 5 InvokeHttp        second with 10 sec schedule
    5 --> 6 transform and put to s3
    5 --> 7 EvaluateJsonPath  extract $.meta.next_cursor
    7 --> 8 route on attribute (next_cursor is not empty)
    8 --> 5
