When creating a TypeORM entity in my express + typescript project I got hit with this error:
Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
The runtime will invoke the decorator with 2 arguments, but the decorator expects 1.
This is the code (copy pasted from TypeORM docs)
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from "typeorm"
export class User {
id: number
firstName: string
lastName: string
age: number
all the properties also get this error: Property 'age' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor
I have no clue what is going on since it's a clear paste and I have used typeorm with nestjs before without any issues
The issue was inside the tsconfig as I have forgot to enable decorators in my config as well as disable strictPropertyInitialization
Here is the solution in code:
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": false,