I have this generated notifier that should rebuild when the data changes without loosing its reference to a previously selected object on rebuild.
Future<List<MyModel>> modelList (ModelListRef ref) {
return ref.watch(modelRepositoryProvider).getModels();
class MyController extends _$MyController {
MyModel? build() {
return ref.watch(modelListProvider).maybeWhen(
//Accessing this state throws the error ↓
data: (models) => models.singleWhereOrNull((model) => model.id == state?.id),
orElse: () => null,
set state (MyModel value){
state = value;
I am calling
after changing data to trigger a rebuild but when I am reading the notifiers state again, I am getting an error:
StateError (Bad state: Tried to read the state of an uninitialized provider)
and the stacktrace leads me to the state of the notifier. How can I fix that?
This seems to work for now:
class MyController extends _$MyController {
MyModel? build() {
state = null;
(previous, next) {
data: (models) {
state = models.firstWhereOrNull((model) => model.id == state?.id);
orElse: (){
state = null;
fireImmediately: true,
return state;
set state (MyModel value){
state = value;