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How can I transfer my geojson data to a mysql database?

I generated with javascript geojson data. Now I want to transfer the data of this geojson file to a mysql database. I know that mysql has a function for geojson data but I'm really new in this topic so I don't know how to use it. So my question is how I can transfer my geojson data to a mysql database. I would like that one column shows the type (Point/Polygon/...), one the features if there are some (color,...) and one column for the coordinates. And perhaps is there also a possibility to transfer these data automatically?

At the moment I tried this:

SET @point_o_from_geoJSON := ST_GeomFromGeoJSON( '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.721926,49.856657]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[8.428072,50.052724],[8.428072,50.190024],[8.807062,50.190024],[8.807062,50.052724],[8.428072,50.052724]]]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[9.177812,50.151338]}}]}' ); # geometry from geoJSON 
select ST_AsText(@point_o_from_geoJSON) AS `point_o_from_geoJSON`;

But then all the information are in one column: data table

I tried to split the geometries with JSON_TABLE but I am struggling with the different numbers of coordinates of each geometry. That was my try (from

         '$[*]' COLUMNS(
         top_ord For ordinality,
         typeID VARCHAR(10) Path '$.type',
         nested path '$.features[*]' columns (
            itemtype varchar(10) path '$.type',
            prop varchar(50) path '$.properties',
            ord for ordinality,
            nested path '$.geometry[*]' columns (
                itemstype varchar(10) path '$.type',
                ordi for ordinality,
                nested path '$.coordinates[*]' columns (coord varchar(10) path '$')
          ) as jt;


  • SELECT top_ord,
           CAST(properties AS CHAR) properties,
           COALESCE(point_coordinate_ord, polygon_point_coordinate_ord) coordinate_ord,
           CAST(COALESCE(point_coordinate, polygon_point_coordinate) AS DECIMAL(10,6)) point_coordinate
             '$' COLUMNS(
               top_ord For ordinality,
               typeID TEXT Path '$.type',
               nested path '$.features[*]' columns (
                 features_ord for ordinality,
                 itemtype TEXT path '$.type',
                 properties JSON path '$.properties',
                 nested path '$.geometry' columns (
                   geometry_ord for ordinality,
                   itemstype TEXT path '$.type',
                   nested path '$.coordinates[*]' COLUMNS (
                     point_coordinate_ord FOR ORDINALITY,
                     point_coordinate TEXT PATH '$'
                   nested path '$.coordinates[*][*][*]' COLUMNS (
                     polygon_point_coordinate_ord FOR ORDINALITY,
                     polygon_point_coordinate TEXT PATH '$'
             ) as jt
    WHERE COALESCE(point_coordinate, polygon_point_coordinate) IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY 1,3,6,8;
    top_ord typeID features_ord itemtype properties geometry_ord itemstype coordinate_ord point_coordinate
    1 FeatureCollection 1 Feature {} 1 Point 1 8.721926
    1 FeatureCollection 1 Feature {} 1 Point 2 49.856657
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 1 8.428072
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 2 50.052724
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 3 8.428072
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 4 50.190024
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 5 8.807062
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 6 50.190024
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 7 8.807062
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 8 50.052724
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 9 8.428072
    1 FeatureCollection 2 Feature {} 1 Polygon 10 50.052724
    1 FeatureCollection 3 Feature {} 1 Point 1 9.177812
    1 FeatureCollection 3 Feature {} 1 Point 2 50.151338
