Got a query running in google sheets that is filtering a large range of data down into a short list with items in a specific order.
=Query('2022'!$B2:$O,"Select H,B,E,O where M = date '"&TEXT(DATEVALUE($N$1),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' And (H Contains '"&P1&"' or H Contains '"&P2&"' or H Contains '"&P3&"' or H Contains '"&P4&"') Order by O asc",0)
I'm trying to add another "where" condition
And B != '"&A2:A30&"'
But adding this condition doesn't work. Am I missing something obvious or is this not possible? I can get it to work by typing a single value in the query, but it wont work with a cell reference or a range of cell references
You can try with "matches" condition and TEXTJOIN:
..."AND not B matches '\b"&TEXTJOIN("\b|\b",1,A2:A30)&"\b' ...."