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How to remove underlines for editable cells in Bootstrap-table? X-editable formatting

I am creating a web page with a central table (Bootstrap-table) and some of its columns are editable thanks to X-editable and the Bootstrap-table-editable extension.

My only problem is that I cannot change the way they are displayed: as blue links, with dotted underlines.

X-editable is highly configurable, and I can customize CSS classes emptyclass, inputclass and unsavedclass - which correspond to an empty value, the inline editor & an unsaved value - but there seems to be no dedicated parameter that would apply to cells in the "un-edited", default, original state...?

I cannot simply add <span style="text-decoration: none !important; text-underline: none !important; border: none !important;">, because table rows are created on the fly by Bootstrap-table from JSON data...


  • As suggested by @jme11 , adding the following before </head> fixes my issue. Thanks!

        a.editable-click { border-bottom: none !important; }