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Type casting with a generic integer

I have been working on a function which I would like to make generic over all integer types. I have therefore used the Integer trait from the num crate however, my function requires my to be able to type cast both to and from my input type e.g.

fn main() {

fn test<T> (x: T)
where T: num::Integer + std::fmt::Display {
    assert_eq!(10_u64, x as u64);
    assert_eq!(54_i32 as T, x);

Where the code fails with the error message

an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types or to coerce to a specific trait object

How can I typecast a generic integer? Thanks,


  • num::FromPrimitive and num::ToPrimitive can help to switch back and forth between num::Integer and a concrete type.

    fn main() {
    fn test<T>(x: T)
        T: num::Integer + num::FromPrimitive + num::ToPrimitive + Copy,
        if T::from_u64(10) == Some(x) {
            println!("this is ten");
        if let Some(54) = x.to_i32() {
            println!("this is fifty-four");