This is for a pure static implementation of Nuxt. I am using markdown content that is read from a yaml content file (not markdown). Since the content is in json objects, they are being rendered using $md.render(blog.content)
. Assume that blog.content is a markdown string.
The template is as follows:
<div v-html="$md.render(blog.content)></div>
The nuxt.config.js file has the following:
export default {
target: static,
modules: [
markdownit: {
runtime: true,
html: true,
This works as expected for regular md strings.
I would like to use an image stored in the images subdirectory of the blog page (not from assets or static directory). And refer to it in the markdown string
The structure of the content directory is:
The markdown string could be something like this
# Study this Digaram
The following is a diagram
<img src="images/b1i1" alt="diagram"/>
It there a way to send this image for vue to resolve it to the path of the generated image? Thanks
As of Nuxt 3, you can use the nuxt-content-assets module.
At run time, it copies all images found in content sources to a build-time folder, replaces any matching relative paths with public ones, and serves the images using Nitro.
At build time, images are copied to the final build output.