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VSCode Agent forwarding not working from Windows to Linux

I have the following development setup: Windows PC (Client) connects to Linux PC (Workstation). On the Windows client I open VSCode and use the remote connection. Authentification is set up using openssh (according to and automatic login in VScode works.

Things do not work anymore when I want to clone a repository from Github on the workstation. If I run "Git: Clone" in VSCode, I get a "permission denied (publickey)" error. Same happens when running the command in a terminal within VSCode. I can use the same ssh agent (incl. key) however natively on Windows to clone the repo (Github authentication works with that key).

I was following the answer: and checked through the guide: (I was unable to fully understand what the difference between sshd_config and ssh_config (under /etc and ~ is). Now I have sshd_config AgentForwarding enabled and not specified under ssh_config.

In a VSCode remote terminal I do see that $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set:


In Windows I see the agent is running:

$ Get-Service ssh-agent

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  ssh-agent          OpenSSH Authentication Agent

I do have ~/.ssh/config on Windows containing:

Host xxx
  HostName xxx
  User username
  ForwardAgent yes

Am I missing something?


  • I was able to fix this issue by upgrading to the latest openssh version (V9.2) on Windows by running winget install "openssh beta". Reference: