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How to handle to read a column and cast to Option[String] from postgre db which has null and string values in Scala 2?

I had a problem with null data coming from one of the postgre db tables. In my situation, I have a column that is nullable which means it stores originally varchar data but has also null values for some rows. I read that column as Any data type inside Scala 2.

My first problem was using .toString function and I took Null Pointer Exception error of course. Then, I decided to cast that column to Option[String], but I couldn,t write pattern matching code.

Here is my trial:

val deneme = null
val myOption: Option[String] = deneme match {
  case str: String => Option(str)
  case null => None

As a result, I am taking that error:

<console>:26: error: pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
 found   : String
 required: Null
         case str: String => Option(str)

How can I come up with a solution for my case?

If know the root cause and solution, I will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • Null is the universal subtype of reference types similarly to Nothing, which is the universal subtype of all types.

    So when you initialize a variable with null, just declare the type

    val deneme: String = null

    Otherwise, the type of variable will be inferred Null.

    So happened here. Then all patterns were erroneously checked to conform Null.