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qml rectangle with customized rounded borders

So there was need of qml rectangle with customized rounded corners. I ended up crating one with shapes, pathLines, pathArcs and bit of math.

Somehow my arcs/rounded corners are not sharp/fine as Rectangle with radius property. How cam I make those corners more fine ?

Item {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        id: root
        width: 300
        height: 300
        property string color: 'red'
        property int rightTopCornerRadius: 10
        property int rightBottomCornerRadius: 20
        property int leftBottomCornerRadius: 30
        property int leftTopCornerRadius: 40

        Shape {

             ShapePath {

                strokeWidth: 5
                strokeColor: root.color
                startX: root.leftTopCornerRadius > 0 ? root.leftTopCornerRadius : 0
                startY: 0
                fillColor: "transparent"
                capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap

                PathLine { y: 0; x:root.width - root.rightTopCornerRadius}
                PathArc {
                    x: root.width; y: root.rightTopCornerRadius
                    radiusX: root.rightTopCornerRadius; radiusY: root.rightTopCornerRadius


                PathLine { x:root.width; y:root.height - root.rightBottomCornerRadius}
                PathArc {
                    x:root.width - root.rightBottomCornerRadius; y: root.height
                    radiusX: root.rightBottomCornerRadius; radiusY: root.rightBottomCornerRadius

                PathLine { x:root.leftBottomCornerRadius; y:root.height}
                PathArc {
                    x:0; y: root.height - root.leftBottomCornerRadius
                    radiusX: root.leftBottomCornerRadius; radiusY: root.leftBottomCornerRadius

                PathLine { x:0; y:root.leftTopCornerRadius}
                PathArc {
                    x:root.leftTopCornerRadius; y: 0
                    radiusX: root.leftTopCornerRadius; radiusY: root.leftTopCornerRadius

Above Code Output

where else Normal rectangle with rounded corners with very fine borders.

Rectangle {
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       width: 300
       height: 300
       radius: 30
       border.width: 5

Rounded Rectangle

I tried playing with some of the share properties, but nothing helped. like joinstyle, capstyle, fillrule


  • Ok, there are several options to do that. First of all you have to turn the QtQuick multisampling on. Add the following lines into your main.cpp:

    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QSurfaceFormat format;                       //
    format.setSamples(8);                        //  add these lines, change the value if needed
    QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(format);    // 
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    Then you can play with Item.antialiasing and Item.smooth properties of your Shape.

    Besides that, I would recommend to write a custom item using QQuickItem deriving, taking the Rectangle sources as example.

    Here are 2 images: your Shapes with 8 samples, antialiasing: true, smooth: true, and a common Rectangle with default settings:
