So there was need of qml rectangle with customized rounded corners. I ended up crating one with shapes, pathLines, pathArcs and bit of math.
Somehow my arcs/rounded corners are not sharp/fine as Rectangle with radius property. How cam I make those corners more fine ?
Item {
anchors.centerIn: parent
id: root
width: 300
height: 300
property string color: 'red'
property int rightTopCornerRadius: 10
property int rightBottomCornerRadius: 20
property int leftBottomCornerRadius: 30
property int leftTopCornerRadius: 40
Shape {
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: 5
strokeColor: root.color
startX: root.leftTopCornerRadius > 0 ? root.leftTopCornerRadius : 0
startY: 0
fillColor: "transparent"
capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap
PathLine { y: 0; x:root.width - root.rightTopCornerRadius}
PathArc {
x: root.width; y: root.rightTopCornerRadius
radiusX: root.rightTopCornerRadius; radiusY: root.rightTopCornerRadius
PathLine { x:root.width; y:root.height - root.rightBottomCornerRadius}
PathArc {
x:root.width - root.rightBottomCornerRadius; y: root.height
radiusX: root.rightBottomCornerRadius; radiusY: root.rightBottomCornerRadius
PathLine { x:root.leftBottomCornerRadius; y:root.height}
PathArc {
x:0; y: root.height - root.leftBottomCornerRadius
radiusX: root.leftBottomCornerRadius; radiusY: root.leftBottomCornerRadius
PathLine { x:0; y:root.leftTopCornerRadius}
PathArc {
x:root.leftTopCornerRadius; y: 0
radiusX: root.leftTopCornerRadius; radiusY: root.leftTopCornerRadius
where else Normal rectangle with rounded corners with very fine borders.
Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 300
height: 300
radius: 30
border.width: 5
I tried playing with some of the share properties, but nothing helped. like joinstyle, capstyle, fillrule
Ok, there are several options to do that. First of all you have to turn the QtQuick multisampling on. Add the following lines into your main.cpp:
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QSurfaceFormat format; //
format.setSamples(8); // add these lines, change the value if needed
QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(format); //
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
Then you can play with Item.antialiasing and Item.smooth properties of your Shape
Besides that, I would recommend to write a custom item using QQuickItem deriving, taking the Rectangle
sources as example.
Here are 2 images: your Shapes
with 8 samples, antialiasing: true
smooth: true
, and a common Rectangle
with default settings: