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Could not find or load main class in STS/Eclipse

I have a main method in a package in one of my projects. Say, the package is I am trying to run and/or debug this main method, and I keep getting the error Could not find or load main class

I've searched this problem, and it seems like I can't figure out what is wrong.

1) I've checked run configurations. In Run->Run Configurations, I've checked that the Main class is

2) I've checked build path. If I right click on the project, I select Build->Build Path, and under the Libraries tab I make sure there are no missing folders with red Xs next to them.

Not really sure what else to do. Any suggestions?


  • I had this problem on eclipse sts. For me the following steps solved the problem.

    In Boot Dashboard > left click in your project > Open Config > fill the "Main Type" with your main application.