I have this command:
doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& echo "You are in: "%cd%
doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& title %cd%
When I paste this in CMD it will set the current cd and not dynamically when I recall the cd from the doskey.
Current output:
C:\>doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& echo "You are in: "%cd%
C:\>cd Users
You are in: C:\
Desired output:
C:\>doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& echo "You are in: "%cd%
C:\>cd Users
You are in: C:\Users
What I have tried:
doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& echo "You are in: "%%cd%
doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& %cd%|echo "You are in: "
doskey cd = cd /d $* ^&^& cmd /k "echo \"You are in: \"%cd%"
< don't want a new cmd session!
Finally I want to add this to my register
@="Open Command Prompt Here (Admin)"
@="powershell -NoLogo -WindowStyle Hidden -Command \"$V = '%V'; Start-Process cmd \\\"/k $($V.Substring(0,2)) & cd \"$V\" & Title Administrator: $V & doskey cd = cd /d `$* ^&^& title `$*\\\" -Verb RunAs\" "
@="Open Command Prompt Inside (Admin)"
@="powershell -NoLogo -WindowStyle Hidden -Command \"$V = '%V'; Start-Process cmd \\\"/k $($V.Substring(0,2)) & cd \"$V\" & Title Administrator: $V & doskey cd = cd /d `$* ^&^& title `$* \\\" -Verb RunAs\" "
This is what I was looking for!
@echo off
doskey cd=cd /D $* $T echo You are in: %^CD%
And this is what I will use
doskey cd=cd /D $* $T TITLE Administrator: %^CD%