How can I delete ALL rows in a google sheet using a script. The sheet.deleteRows() formula assumes I know the number of rows.
As shown in this example, the table is already sorted and I can delete all rows from the last table row (CTRL+DOWN). I can't use the For...Next loop, otherwise I'll run into the GScript timeout.
Is there a command that can jump directly to the last line to determine the number?
Thanks in advance
For your particular example you could use the following code as a reference:
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Change the name to the one you have in your Spreadsheet
var dataRange = ss.getRange("A1:B4");
ss.deleteRows(dataRange.getLastRow()+1, ss.getMaxRows()-ss.getLastRow());
ss.deleteColumns(dataRange.getLastColumn()+1, ss.getMaxColumns()-ss.getLastColumn());