I am developing a web site using the Zend Framework. I was using this site to get my navigation working: http://www.rvdavid.net/zend_navigation-makes-writing-navigation-for-zf-sites-very-easy/.
However, the $this->layout()->menu returns NULL. I have a modular structure, with a plugin that takes care of module specific layout:
class Custom_Controller_Plugin_ModuleBasedLayout
extends Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
. DS . $request->getModuleName() . DS . 'layouts' );
Does anybody have a clue why my navigation isn't working?
its $this->navigation()->menu();
not $this->layout()->menu
all the rendering stuff of Zend_Navigation is done by navigation view helper which you use in *.phtml files