When dividing somewhat large integers with numbers that divides them, I get different results from division /
and floored division //
for instance:
In [1]: a = 123456789012345678
In [2]: int(a/2)
Out[2]: 61728394506172840
In [3]: a//2
Out[3]: 61728394506172839
clearly 2|a, and out[3] is the correct answer, so why the inconsistency from the division operator? what is going on? and, How to make /
behave correctly?
is the floating division operator, thus your integer is stored into a float type. This type cannot store exactly every value, only approximations, see:
>>> a = 123456789012345678
>>> a/2
You lose the last digit... 123456789012345678
approximately equals to 6.172839450617284 * 10^16.
Look what happens for "huge" numbers:
>>> float(1234512345123451234512345)
Floats are basically scientific notation with fixed size mantissa.
While //
is the integer division operator, and integer type (in Python) is of arbitrary precision (only in the domain of integers):
>>> 2**1000