I have file with that text
5 {
1: "Capability"
2 {
1: "READ"
2: 0
2 {
1: "SSH"
2: 12
I know that is a protobuf structure. How can I convert this data to normal protobuf file?
Protoc give me error message
"I know that is a protobuf structure."
That might have come from something protobuf related, but: it must have been a tortuous journey, because no: that isn't directly protobuf anything and AFAIK nothing is going to parse that "as is" - it isn't protobuf binary and it isn't the opinionated protobuf JSON variant. It looks like the output of protoc
with the --decode_raw
option? Note that this is for display purposes only.
However, let's see what we can infer, and reverse-engineer a protobuf schema; all we know about the root message is that it has another message as field 5; that thing has a string in field one, and some repeated message in field 2, with that inner-most message being a string and an integer in fields 1 and 2, so let's assume something like:
syntax = "proto3";
message MyRootMessage {
Layer1 layer1 = 5;
message Layer1 {
string name = 1;
repeated Layer2 layer2 = 2;
message Layer2 {
string name = 1;
int32 number = 2;
so: you would compile that in your language of choice via protoc, and (again in your language of choice): populate it - for example:
var root = new MyRootMessage {
Layer1 = new {
Name = "Capability",
Layer2s = {
new { Name = "READ", Number = 0 },
new { Name = "SSH", Number = 12 },
then serialize that using your chosen language/frameworks serialize API.
Alternatively, if you still have the binary that you used with protoc --decode_raw
, once you have reverse-engineered a schema by inspection (as above), you can construct a wrapper to deserialize your binary, using the normal code-gen options.