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OpenSSL 3.0.8: FIPS functionality not working with libcrypto library in custom path

OpenSSL: 3.0.8 Python: 3.9.16

I enabled FIPS using below script but FIPS functionality is not working when I use custom libcrypto path but working fine if I use default path. custom path:/tmp/fips_files/ default path: usr/local/ssl/lib/

#!/usr/bin/env python

import ctypes as cts
import sys,hashlib

#PATH_LIBCRYPTO = "/usr/local/ssl/lib/"
PATH_LIBCRYPTO = "/tmp/fips_files/"

POSSL_LIB_CTX = cts.c_void_p
POSSL_PROVIDER = cts.c_void_p

def main(*argv):
    libcrypto = cts.CDLL(PATH_LIBCRYPTO)
    OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path = libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path
    OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)
    OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path.restype = cts.c_int

    OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config = libcrypto.OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config
    OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)
    OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config.restype = cts.c_int

    OSSL_PROVIDER_load = libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_load
    OSSL_PROVIDER_load.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)

    res = OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path(None, b"/tmp/fips_files/")
    if res == 0:
        print("OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path error")
        return 1
    res = OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config(None, b"/tmp/fips_files/openssl.cnf")
    if res == 0:
        print("OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config error")
        return 1
    base_provider = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"base")
    fips_provider = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"fips")
    print(base_provider, fips_provider)

    libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled.argtypes = [cts.c_void_p]
    libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled.restype = cts.c_int
    fips_status = libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled(None)
    print("fips status before:",fips_status)

    libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_enable_fips.argtypes = [cts.c_void_p, cts.c_int]
    libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_enable_fips.restype = cts.c_int
    ret_status = libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_enable_fips(None, 1)
    print ("return :", ret_status)

    fips_status = libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled(None)
    print("fips status after :",fips_status)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
                                                   64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
    rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])

With cutom libcrypto path FIPS not WORKING: PATH_LIBCRYPTO = "/tmp/fips_files/"

root@gssd-ubuntu184:~/Pradeep/FIPS# python fips base
Python 3.9.16 (main, Feb 20 2023, 12:42:50) [Clang 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)] 064bit on linux

94512782592400 94512782460240
fips status before: 1
return : 1
fips status after : 1

With default libcrypto path FIPS WORKING: PATH_LIBCRYPTO = "/usr/local/ssl/lib/"

root@gssd-ubuntu184:~/Pradeep/FIPS# python fips base
Python 3.9.16 (main, Feb 20 2023, 12:42:50) [Clang 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)] 064bit on linux

94480037288352 94480037156144
fips status before: 1
return : 1
fips status after : 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/Pradeep/FIPS/", line 63, in <module>
    rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
  File "/root/Pradeep/FIPS/", line 56, in main
ValueError: [digital envelope routines] unsupported

Could you please help me in making FIPS work using libs in the custom path.


  • Listing [Python.Docs]: hashlib - Secure hashes and message digests.

    I want to start with a note: it is possible to have multiple instances of the "same" library loaded in a process, as shown in [SO]: Independent CDLL Library Instances with Ctypes (@CristiFati's answer).

    Check [SO]: How to enable FIPS mode for libcrypto and libssl packaged with Python? (@CristiFati's answer).
    It's a duplicate of the referenced (closed) question at the end (Update #0 section).

    What happens:

    • Default LibCrypto (if found) is loaded by import hashlib

    • You load "your own" LibCrypto version, where you set FIPS mode on

    • HashLib on the other hand, is still using the default instance (where FIPS is not enabled)

    I tested with OpenSSL 3.0.8.

    Output - Preliminary (note that I'll be reusing this console):

    [cfati@cfati-5510-0:/mnt/e/Work/Dev/StackExchange/StackOverflow/q075913071]> ~/
    ### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in StackOverflow (or other) pages ###
    [064bit prompt]> # Test OpenSSL
    [064bit prompt]> /usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/bin/openssl md5 ./
    FATAL: Startup failure (dev note: apps_startup()) for /usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/bin/openssl
    80E2A959297F0000:error:80000002:system library:process_include:No such file or directory:crypto/conf/conf_def.c:805:calling stat(fipsmodule.cnf)
    80E2A959297F0000:error:07800069:common libcrypto routines:provider_conf_load:provider section error:crypto/provider_conf.c:156:section=fips_sect not found
    80E2A959297F0000:error:0700006D:configuration file routines:module_run:module initialization error:crypto/conf/conf_mod.c:270:module=providers, value=provider_sect retcode=-1
    [064bit prompt]>
    [064bit prompt]> # Local configuration stuff
    [064bit prompt]> OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE=/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/ssl /usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/bin/openssl md5 ./
    Error setting digest
    80123BCEDC7F0000:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines:inner_evp_generic_fetch:unsupported:crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c:373:Global default library context, Algorithm (MD5 : 102), Properties ()
    80123BCEDC7F0000:error:03000086:digital envelope routines:evp_md_init_internal:initialization error:crypto/evp/digest.c:254:

    Check [GitHub]: openssl/openssl - openssl.cnf failed to load fispmodules.cnf if use without full path in 3.0.1 (@CristiFati's comment) for details regarding OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE.
    Since OpenSSL build (with FIPS support) is valid, moving to Python stuff. Here's an updated version of your code:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import ctypes as cts
    import hashlib
    import os
    import sys
    #LIBCRYPTO = "/usr/local/ssl/lib/"
    CUSTOM_PATH = "/tmp/fips_files"
    LIBCRYPTO = os.path.join(CUSTOM_PATH, "")
    CUSTOM_PATH = "/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8"  # @TODO - cfati: Custom build path
    LIBCRYPTO = os.path.join(CUSTOM_PATH, "lib", "")  # @TODO - cfati: Custom build lib path
    POSSL_LIB_CTX = cts.c_void_p
    POSSL_PROVIDER = cts.c_void_p
    def main(*argv):
        libcrypto = cts.CDLL(LIBCRYPTO)
        OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path = libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path
        OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)
        OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path.restype = cts.c_int
        OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config = libcrypto.OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config
        OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)
        OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config.restype = cts.c_int
        OSSL_PROVIDER_load = libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_load
        OSSL_PROVIDER_load.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_char_p)
        OSSL_PROVIDER_load.restype = POSSL_PROVIDER
        EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled = libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled
        EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX,)
        EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled.restype = cts.c_int
        EVP_default_properties_enable_fips = libcrypto.EVP_default_properties_enable_fips
        EVP_default_properties_enable_fips.argtypes = (POSSL_LIB_CTX, cts.c_int)
        EVP_default_properties_enable_fips.restype = cts.c_int
        provider_search_path = CUSTOM_PATH.encode()
        provider_search_path = os.path.join(CUSTOM_PATH, "lib", "ossl-modules").encode()  # @TODO - cfati: Custom mod location
        res = OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path(None, provider_search_path)
        if res == 0:
            print("OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path error")
            return 1
        cfg_search_path = provider_search_path
        cfg_search_path = os.path.join(CUSTOM_PATH, "ssl").encode()  # @TODO - cfati: Custom cfg location
        res = OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config(None, os.path.join(cfg_search_path, b"openssl.cnf"))
        if res == 0:
            print("OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config error")
            return 1
        base_provider = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"base")
        fips_provider = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"fips")
        print(base_provider, fips_provider)
        fips_status = EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled(None)
        print("EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: {:d}".format(fips_status))
        res = EVP_default_properties_enable_fips(None, 1)
        print ("EVP_default_properties_enable_fips: {:d}".format(res))
        fips_status = EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled(None)
        print("EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: {:d}".format(fips_status))
        print("HL mod: {:}".format(getattr(hashlib, "_hashlib", None)))
        print("SHA1: {:s}".format(hashlib.sha1("test_str".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()))
        print("MD5: {:s}".format(hashlib.md5("test_str".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
                                                       64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
        rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])


    [064bit prompt]> # Attempt #0.
    [064bit prompt]> OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE=/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/ssl python3.9 ./
    Python 3.9.16 (main, Dec  7 2022, 01:11:51) [GCC 9.4.0] 064bit on linux
    20919264 20902112
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 0
    EVP_default_properties_enable_fips: 1
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 1
    HL mod: <module '_hashlib' from '/usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/'>
    SHA1: f9a90e7c1ff51236191623b84267d110c617118a
    MD5: 74e710825309d622d0b920390ef03edf
    [064bit prompt]>
    [064bit prompt]> # Attempt #1.
    [064bit prompt]> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/lib OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE=/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/ssl python3.9 ./
    Python 3.9.16 (main, Dec  7 2022, 01:11:51) [GCC 9.4.0] 064bit on linux
    36180960 36163808
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 0
    EVP_default_properties_enable_fips: 1
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 1
    HL mod: <module '_hashlib' from '/usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/'>
    SHA1: f9a90e7c1ff51236191623b84267d110c617118a
    MD5: 74e710825309d622d0b920390ef03edf
    [064bit prompt]>
    [064bit prompt]> ldd /usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff3fb0f9000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff3faf07000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff3faf01000)
   => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff3faede000)
            /lib64/ (0x00007ff3fb405000)
    [064bit prompt]>
    [064bit prompt]> # Attempt #2.
    [064bit prompt]> ln -s /usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/lib/ ./
    [064bit prompt]> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/lib OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE=/usr/local/pc064/openssl/openssl/3.0.8/ssl python3.9 ./
    Python 3.9.16 (main, Dec  7 2022, 01:11:51) [GCC 9.4.0] 064bit on linux
    43861088 43843936
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 0
    EVP_default_properties_enable_fips: 1
    EVP_default_properties_is_fips_enabled: 1
    HL mod: None
    SHA1: f9a90e7c1ff51236191623b84267d110c617118a
    MD5: 74e710825309d622d0b920390ef03edf

    Since (default) Python's HashLib is built with OpenSSL 1.1.*, and there's a big API / ABI difference between that and v3.*, it doesn't work (as seen, in the 3rd attempt I tried a (lame) workaround (gainarie), but HashLib bindings to OpenSSL failed to load, and default implementations were used).
    In order to get past this, you need to build Python with OpenSSL 3.* (not sure if it works OOTB). Check [SO]: How to compile python3 on RHEL with SSL? SSL cannot be imported (@CristiFati's answer) for details (although versions differ).

    Anyway, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH should do the trick. In your case, something like:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/fips_files:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} python ./

    As I stated in your other question ([SO]: Access OpenSSL FIPS APIs from python ctypes not working (@CristiFati's answer)), things might be easier if using some specialized Python modules (OpenSSL wrappers).